STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

NOT What I Meant!

Apologies in advance to my Twitter pals for this post - you got this about 24 hours before it hit the blog.

While doing ALL THE THINGS yesterday, I made a call to my grandmother about our upcoming trip and then tweeted about it while also doing about four other tasks. The result?

It was only after I had tweeted (and someone retweeted) that I realized it sounded like I was giving Gramma less than a week to live. I had meant it as a correction. "No, Gramma, we were NOT there last weekend and ignored you. I'm calling because we're coming THIS weekend and would like to find a time to visit."

Twitter is dangerous - I can do a lot of damage with those 140 characters! Including handing out death sentences to grannies!


Grand Pooba said...

Ha! Wait. Now this post made it sound like your grandma tweets.

Wait. Your grandma tweets AND only has a week to live??!!

21 Wits said...

It's feels good to be alive doesn't it! Ha, ha!...but inquiring minds want to know, does your granny tweet?!

C. Beth said...

Guilt trips...gotta love 'em. (Blech!)

And FTR, I didn't think you were predicting her death. ;)

Toriz said...

Multi-tasking is often dangerous in general......

Amanda said...

LAMO! That is just too Twitter, bu 140 characters can cause so much trouble sometimes. :)

Sarah said...

I knew you meant it as a correction to Gramma. That being said, I think we all need to see what your Gramma's twitter account would read like.