STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Word of the Year 2013

Happy New Year! I’m a little later than anticipated with this post because blah blah blah resulted in a reconsidering of my 2013 plans. But I've cooked the books consulted my accountant/husband and now I’m back on track.


I like to start off each year with a guiding word rather than a list of specific resolutions. Sometimes I choose the word by looking back and/or looking ahead. Sometimes it just comes to me. Last year’s word, “mindful,” wasn’t all that successful I suppose. It depends on how you define success. If you define it as having any memory of what I had chosen as my word, then notsomuch.

For 2013, I’m choosing balance.

Main Entry: bal·ance
Pronunciation: \ˈba-lən(t)s\
Function: noun

1: a means of judging or deciding
2: a counterbalancing weight, force, or influence
3: an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements
4: mental and emotional steadiness
5: habit of calm behavior, judgment

I've borrowed the above definitions from several online dictionaries

For me, this is primarily about work. If you don't know, I'm a freelancer. I work from home, mostly as an editor. Last year is the first year I took that seriously and I had an amazing year with a lot of opportunities. I exceeded the financial goals I had set.

And yet, life was out of balance. Because of blah blah blah (yes, the same blah blah blah I started the post with) , most of my freelancing income ends up going to Uncle Sam. Taxes and gainfully employed husbands and blah blah blah.  I've been directed by the husband/accountant to quit focusing on working ALL THE CONTRACTS to make ALL THE MONEY and instead to focus on doing the things I want to do.

Not a bad problem to have!

Except, what I want to do? Continue freelancing. I want to expand my freelancing. Telling people this past year that I'm a freelance editor is the first time in my life I've taken pride in what I do. And I want to do more of it, not less of it. But I do have one contract that is very out of balance, and that one is going to have to go. With it, a good chunk of reliable monthly income. Which apparently is OK, according both to the accountant/husband and to balance. Because with it, a good chunk of reliable almost daily stress.

Also part of balance this year? The things I love that I should have plenty of time to do and yet I've spent a disproportionate amount of time stressing over one stupid contract and some other items that I haven't taken time to do them - those things will be coming back. Sitting at the piano. Crafting and painting. Blogging and more importantly, writing. They aren't necessarily the same. But I've missed both. It's been forever since I blogged regularly and I haven't worked on the book I'm writing at all since November (even that was a sad effort).

So in 2012, I proved that I could do ALL THE THINGS!!! In 2013, I will show that I can be discerning about choosing which of the things merit my time and effort. I will do the ALL THE THINGS with balance!

P.S. What can you expect from the blog? No promises but I'm planning to average posting about twice a week plus 6WS. Always 6WS, people. Otherwise, I have a feeling things may get ugly.

P.P.S. Oh yeah, also, happy 1000th post to me and this here blog.


Jazzbumpa said...

I like your new goal.

Dealing with elder care issues has throw our life out of balance.

Or maybe it's a new kind of balance.

Anyway, we all muddle through as best we can.

Happy New Year!

JosephAlsarraf said...

Yay! Happy 1000th post! Congratulations, good job! I like the 5th definition the most. I usually think of a color, rather than a word for each year. I'm not sure what this year's color should be. I'm thinking light green? : )

TMC said...

I like it! I like it a lot! I can see that it's the perfect word for you right now and moving into 2013.

restlessjo said...

I do like definition 3, Cath. When your post popped into my Inbox I thought it was another blogging challenge and the mind started skittering off.
Balance/priorities- sounds like you've got it about worked out, to me. Have a fabulous year! (1000? wow)

Anonymous said...

Balance, a great goal to aim for in this new year. Choose with you heart and mind!
All the best,

The Write Girl said...

I like your word of the year. Balance is definitely needed to accomplish all the amazing things you want to do. Happy 1000th post to you!

Elaine - I used to be indecisive said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! That's a lot of blogging. :)

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

I'm glad you'll be in for a more enjoyable, less stressful year. Congratulations on attaining the 1000th post!

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

I'm glad you'll be in for a more enjoyable, less stressful year. Congratulations on attaining the 1000th post!

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

I'm glad you'll be in for a more enjoyable, less stressful year. Congratulations on attaining the 1000th post!

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

I'm glad you'll be in for a more enjoyable, less stressful year. Congratulations on attaining the 1000th post!

Rosemary Nissen-Wade said...

I'm glad you'll be in for a more enjoyable, less stressful year. Congratulations on attaining the 1000th post!