STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Six Word Saturday

Time for niece and nephew snuggles!

Want to play along? All that's necessary to participate is to describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. For more information, try clicking here. Feel free to explain or not explain. Add an image, a video, a song, nothing. I love seeing what everyone does with their entries.

Each week (probably on Sunday or Monday), I use to select a bunch of entries to visit.  Or I visit everyone. Or even numbered entries. Or odd numbered entries. Or multiples of three. Depends on what's going on that week.  In addition, please visit the person ahead of you on the list (or visit everyone if you like!). That way everyone receives at least one visit!

If you play along in your blog, please add a link to the Mr. Linky. I appreciate a link back (shiny code below if you like!). Otherwise, you're welcome to leave your six words in this post as a comment.

Please be sure to link either to your main page or (preferably) directly to the 6WS post. Links to blogs that do not contain a 6WS entry will be removed (sorry, just the button in the sidebar doesn't count as participating).

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Living With Me

Here's an exchange this morning between me and my amazingly patient husband, Joe.
me: can you pick-up the tix on the way home pls?
Joe: y
me: thanks!
(a long pause while Joe is busy doing his actual work)
Joe: yw
me: Also, I totally just made fire and didn't burn the house down!
me: yw!
(another pause)
Joe: I really don't want to know.
In a related story, if you're wondering if your tweets are going through or if people are just ignoring you, you can tweet something like "is this thing on?" but that's rather dull. Instead, try tweeting "woohoo, nobody told me sewing involved fire!" because you're sure to get immediate responses to that.

Unless people are ignoring you.

P.S. I was just melting the ends of satin ribbon over a flame so they won't fray.
P.P.S No cats were harmed in the making of this post OR the fire.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Six Word Saturday

my calendar is about to explode

Want to play along? All that's necessary to participate is to describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. For more information, try clicking here. Feel free to explain or not explain. Add an image, a video, a song, nothing. I love seeing what everyone does with their entries.

Each week (probably on Sunday or Monday), I use to select a bunch of entries to visit.  Or I visit everyone. Or even numbered entries. Or odd numbered entries. Or multiples of three. Depends on what's going on that week.  In addition, please visit the person ahead of you on the list (or visit everyone if you like!). That way everyone receives at least one visit!

If you play along in your blog, please add a link to the Mr. Linky. I appreciate a link back (shiny code below if you like!). Otherwise, you're welcome to leave your six words in this post as a comment.

Please be sure to link either to your main page or (preferably) directly to the 6WS post. Links to blogs that do not contain a 6WS entry will be removed (sorry, just the button in the sidebar doesn't count as participating).

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Last weekend, my parents came for a visit. I've been trying to recover from process it since then.

First, The Good:

It was nice that they made it a point to visit. This is Dad's busy time of year for his business so for him to let someone else run the shop over the weekend because it was a priority to visit was a nice thing. I think it was "one last visit" before we potentially move, not that there's any progress to report on the job situation.

The Bad:

Dad started feeling sick not long after they started to long drive to our place. His throat was bothering him so he could barely talk, which makes it hard to visit. Also, I could tell he just wasn't feeling well.

And, finally, The Ugly:

The close-mindedness and paranoia exhibited by my family makes me sad. No, sick to my stomach. No, it makes me angry.

My mother asked if my FIL is stuck doing a lot of yardwork at the house he rents. I explained that his neighbors help him a lot and that he had me take them a gift basket he had won to say thank you. I said I felt kinda weird taking it to them when it had been obviously opened, but he had wanted to take out the wine because "they're good Christian people."

me: I just thought that was odd. Not all Christians have an issue with alcohol. Plus, FIL is a Catholic and Catholics definitely aren't -"
my mother: Christians.
me: I was going to go with "aren't strictly anti-alcohol."
my mother: Oh. That too.

Because, as my mother has told me for years, she believes that Catholics aren't really Christians. In her opinion esteemed fact-based all-knowingness, ALL Catholics are only about tradition and going through the motions. And yes, she believes that all Catholics are going to hell because they're doing it wrong.


The Uglier:

my mother: I'd like to get the spare room cleaned up and a bed in there so you can stay with us when your grandmother dies.

Reasons this is ugly? Let me count the ways.
  1. It's my father's mother, and she said this in front of him.
  2. My mother hates my father's mother and has forbidden him from having any contact with her.
  3. My grandmother is 81 but she is not sick in some way that indicates her death will be any time soon.

The Ugliest:

my mother: Homosexuals and pedophiles are the same thing. They both choose amoral alternative lifestyles.
me: You don't see a difference between two consenting adults and an adult preying on a minor?
my mother: Same thing. Both going to hell.
me: I see a huge difference.

Jaw dropped. No words. Part of me feels like it's good to remember that this kind of attitude exists in the world and that we need to keep fighting against it. Part of me wants to cry to see it displayed by my own parents. I've tried so hard to overcome the ignorance I grew up with but it's so jarring to be reminded that it's still happening.

And so, with all of that, I now report that (long story omitted and this is already too long) we will likely be leaving next Friday, the 28th, for a visit home. Mostly so Joe can see help his Dad prepare for winter. I'm not even recovered from their visit here and now we're going to go visit there.

I plan to focus on my sister, niece, and nephew. I plan to focus on staying with a couple of dear friends.

I plan to refill my xanax prescription.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Six Word Saturday

a week of running amok awaits
the husband is away on business

Want to play along? All that's necessary to participate is to describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. For more information, try clicking here. Feel free to explain or not explain. Add an image, a video, a song, nothing. I love seeing what everyone does with their entries.

Each week (probably on Sunday or Monday), I use to select a bunch of entries to visit.  Or I visit everyone. Or even numbered entries. Or odd numbered entries. Or multiples of three. Depends on what's going on that week.  In addition, please visit the person ahead of you on the list (or visit everyone if you like!). That way everyone receives at least one visit!

If you play along in your blog, please add a link to the Mr. Linky. I appreciate a link back (shiny code below if you like!). Otherwise, you're welcome to leave your six words in this post as a comment.

Please be sure to link either to your main page or (preferably) directly to the 6WS post. Links to blogs that do not contain a 6WS entry will be removed (sorry, just the button in the sidebar doesn't count as participating).

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday again and no post all week. Awesome. So consider this my take on whatever random or fragments meme you're familiar with because I plan on just dumping out a bunch of random thoughts and updates.

1. Tonya's Dental Appointment - She did well on Tuesday, though she had to have a couple of teeth removed. This means two items of immediate concern. First, she now needs two meds twice a day. The one is pain medication and lasts only four days. The second is antibiotics that last seven days. One is liquid in a dropper, the other is gel in an oral syringe. It's going... okay. I mean, not only is she a cat, but she's also Tonya, so it's not going to be hassle-free. The second concern was the bill, which ended up being completely atrocious. It was high enough before the extractions and related meds. Which leads me to thought #2...

2. Jobs = Cash - For a million reasons, like everyone else on the planet, more cash would be good. We're doing okay since I left my job late last year and haven't touched our savings, but some of these expenses (Tonya's teeth, a trip we should take home, Christmas etc) are stressing me out. I'm desperately applying for all kinds of freelancing jobs, hoping to avoid the anxiety that seasonal retail is sure to cause.

3. My Parents - They were here roughly 48 hours. Dad wasn't feeling well but my mother was completely on her game. By which I mean she kept me a complete mess the entire time. I feel a post brewing about delighting in ignorance and being close-minded.

4. I'm Angry and Depressed and Anxious - Maybe I should've started with this one. The perfect storm of events have occurred this week to have me on edge. It's been a long time since I've felt such prolonged anxiety. I'm finding myself frustrated and angry, except when I'm feeling too depressed to give a damn about much of anything. There have been a few bright spots (I had a good time last night at a writing class) but mostly I'm feeling low and pointless. This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I said "October 1st: serious awesomeness starts today."

In a related story, it is now October 13th and those goals that I started working towards almost two weeks ago are barely moving, if I've gotten them off the ground at all. I'm hoping to break this funk and start making some serious progress.

I'll be okay. I tried to end this on a more positive note but I can't seem to get there. The most positive thing I can say is that I know from previous experience that this down feeling doesn't last forever. In the meantime, I'll keep making a conscious effort to see the good around me until it comes a bit more naturally again.

If you've made it this far and feel inclined to leave a comment, how about leaving me a funny joke, silly story, or a link to something that will make me laugh and/or feel good about the world? I could use some of that.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blogging Elsewhere About Blogging

Today, I'm featured over at Brenda Youngerman's blog for her Tuesday Spotlight. I enjoyed answering her questions about blogging and she even managed to ask a question nobody has asked before - where I came up with the name "Show My Face."

In other not really news, my parents have come and gone. Tonya is at the vet's office right now for her dental cleaning. I have several posts to share from the weekend but I haven't written them yet because I'm playing catch-up on a million other things. I'm hoping to be back to "normal" starting tomorrow.

But in the meantime, hop over to Brenda's to see me blog about blogging. Thanks, Brenda, for the opportunity!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Six Word Saturday

"Invasion of the Parents" now playing

Want to play along? All that's necessary to participate is to describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. For more information, try clicking here. Feel free to explain or not explain. Add an image, a video, a song, nothing. I love seeing what everyone does with their entries.

Each week (probably on Sunday or Monday), I use to select a bunch of entries to visit.  Or I visit everyone. Or even numbered entries. Or odd numbered entries. Or multiples of three. Depends on what's going on that week.  In addition, please visit the person ahead of you on the list (or visit everyone if you like!). That way everyone receives at least one visit!

If you play along in your blog, please add a link to the Mr. Linky. I appreciate a link back (shiny code below if you like!). Otherwise, you're welcome to leave your six words in this post as a comment.

Please be sure to link either to your main page or (preferably) directly to the 6WS post. Links to blogs that do not contain a 6WS entry will be removed (sorry, just the button in the sidebar doesn't count as participating).

Thursday, October 06, 2011

First Fursday: Quality Time

Long time no blog, humans! This here is Tonya and I'm going to tell you about this craptastic idea my long-haired human had yesterday called "quality time". Yeah, low quality.

I woke up thinking it would be no different from any other day. Long-haired human was yammering on about us spending some "quality time" together that afternoon, which to me signals a lovely nap. Don't tell the humans, but I kinda like sharing my bed with them for a mid-day snooze.

Around noon, long-haired human said we were going to get our nails done! Hmm, this sounded vaguely suspicious even if she did try to make it sound like an exciting thing. Still, she rattled the treat bag so I ran to her, ready for yummies. Instead, she scooped me up and cut off my nails. What?!? I've been working on growing those out for two weeks! It's going to take a lot of carpet-clawing to make them nice and sharp again.

Then she rattled the treat bag again so I went running to her again. Hey, I'm not above accepting a tuna-flavored apology! This time, she herded me into my cage and closed the door behind me. Uh oh. This can't be good...

I was loaded into the car, long-haired human singing about a road trip to see some friends. Unless you're new here, you know that I don't have friends. I don't need friends. Nobody else is as awesome as me. Before long, we were pulling up at the kitty-doctor's office. HALP!!!

I put up a good fight, clinging to my cage even when they tipped it on its side. Then they completely invaded my privacy by taking off the top! I hissed and rawred, showing my fangs. The vet techs hauled me to the back and stabbed me, taking some blood for some kind of "tests". Then I was back in my cage, and after a brief stop at the front desk where long-haired human swiped that plastic money thing-y and made an appointment for next week (must be for Rusty, right?), we were back in the car and back home.

Where I promptly ran upstairs and hid under the bed for the rest of the day.

Quality time sucks. Especially since Rusty was allowed to sleep through all of it.

P.S. When Joe took the kitties for their annual appointment in August, they said Tonya's teeth need another cleaning. We've been trying to juggle it a bit due to finances (yay me still not working because Joe's still job hunting) but decided it was time. Especially since Tonya seems to be having trouble eating her crunchies (hard food). We've been giving her mushies (canned food) the past few days and the vet said to keep doing that until a couple of days after her procedure. She's lost three pounds in less than two months, which is almost 25% of her body weight. My poor girl... We'll get her blood work results today, which will show if there's something else going on or if she was just having trouble eating the crunchies because of her teeth, and her cleaning is scheduled for Tuesday. She wasn't a happy girl yesterday and she won't be happy on Tuesday either but we're trying to take care of her. Other than trouble chewing, she's feisty as ever. Go Team Tonya!

P.P.S. I just got the call from the vet and all of her blood work came back normal. I'm so relieved for my girl!

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Six Word Saturday

October 1st: serious awesomeness starts today

Want to play along? All that's necessary to participate is to describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. For more information, try clicking here. Feel free to explain or not explain. Add an image, a video, a song, nothing. I love seeing what everyone does with their entries.

Each week (probably on Sunday or Monday), I use to select a bunch of entries to visit.  Or I visit everyone. Or even numbered entries. Or odd numbered entries. Or multiples of three. Depends on what's going on that week.  In addition, please visit the person ahead of you on the list (or visit everyone if you like!). That way everyone receives at least one visit!

If you play along in your blog, please add a link to the Mr. Linky. I appreciate a link back (shiny code below if you like!). Otherwise, you're welcome to leave your six words in this post as a comment.

Please be sure to link either to your main page or (preferably) directly to the 6WS post. Links to blogs that do not contain a 6WS entry will be removed (sorry, just the button in the sidebar doesn't count as participating).