STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Muchas Nachos!

Today, we are leaving London and heading off to Barcelona, Spain. We've been to London before but Spain is new to both of us so we're very excited. And lucky for us, Joe has enough Spanish language skills that I'm feeling confident about getting around.

As I write this post, several weeks before you will read it, I have high hopes that by this point in the trip I will be mostly adjusted to the time difference. I don't usually do well with that.

For example, on our first trip to Europe, we landed at 7am London-time and wandered for the day. We then grabbed a few hours of sleep before waking up at 4am London-time. Which means we woke up for the day at 11pm home-time. We then caught the train to Paris where I was so tired and backwards and confused that I literally fell asleep standing on the sidewalk in front of the Arc de Triomphe. This fantastic monument that I had been more excited to see than the Eiffel Tower, the #1 most important Paris attraction for me, and I fell asleep standing in front of it. I was too tired to even go up to the top of it. We were only able to spend one night in Paris before heading back to London so I spent most of my time there in a complete brain fog.

So on this trip, we've tried to plan in a way that will accommodate my slow adjustment. We'll have two nights and almost three days in London before we hop on to Barcelona. I'm hoping this means less probability of walking out into oncoming traffic (yes, I've done that) or falling asleep on top of a double-decker tour bus (done that as well). Also, we will be in Barcelona for five nights so at some point in the trip, chances are I'll wake up enough to remember being there.

Send your Cate some positive time-adjustment vibes and she will blow you kisses and cat hair (how did THAT get in my suitcase, Tonya?) from afar. Muchas Nachos!


Joanie said...

Tiene un maravilloso viaje a Barcelona, EspaƱa!

trasnlated it means Have a wonderful trip to Barcelona, Spain!

C. Beth said...

Sending lots and lots of that *~*~*~*~adjustment dust*~*~*~*~* your way!

Jeanie said...

Oh, I'm so wishing I was there too, awake or asleep. Enjoy Barcelona!

Caty said...

I hope you are having a fantastic time (and staying alert enough to realize that you are)

Grand Pooba said...

Hahaha, love the title!

Friends don't let friends vacation with jet lag.

spiritsoflena said...

This is a great cause and one close to my heart, too.