STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hazards of Warm Weather

Even though it's not quite summer yet, warmer weather is here. This seems like a good time to review some of the dangers associated with the season.

First, there's swimming. Always swim with a friend. And if you see someone drowning...

A lot of people take advantage of the warmer weather to take a vacation. If that vacation involves children and a roadtrip, it's wise to pack some entertainment. Perhaps their favorite music?

(I love how they immediately go into meltdown mode.)

Warmer weather also means wearing shorts, tank tops, and other clothing with less coverage. For those of us with pasty skin, we might feel we look better with a bit of a tan. Whether you obtain color from the sun, a tanning booth, or spray tanning, remember that a little goes a long way:

And finally, there's summer footwear. Some prefer to go barefoot but strappy sandals and flip-flops are also popular choices. Just beware of the dangers that may ensue if you combine flip-flops with another popular summer activity - cold beverages:


Flip-flops really are tricky, even under the best of circumstances!

I hope that as you prepare for your summer fun, you will keep these things in mind. I'd hate to read your blog in the next few months and find that you've fallen victim to one of these warm weather afflictions.


Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I like miss Fridayhappypants. It may be contageous - I'm totally smiling now. (except the flipflop video didn't work for me - but the single ladies one made me cackle and startle Dorothy. So thanks!).

Toriz said...

LOL! Thanks for this! ;)

C. Beth said...

Oh my gosh--both videos are indeed laugh-out-loud funny.

Jeanie said...

Your concern for our safety is very appreciated and your suggestions will be duly noted. The videos were great.

Kimmy said...

LOL!! Love both videos! I normally don't wear flip flops cause they hurt in between my toes but I was actually thinking about trying them this year. The ones with the more fabric thingy. It wouldn't be fun to fall into one of these categories but it would be funny to blog about it. lol

Caty said...

Thanks for the Friday afternoon laugh! Great post!

Joy said...

I couldn't help but notice the sign; is that the international sign for drowning? It looks like lol! Nothing amusing about water distress, but funny Freudian slip on site of summer silliness.

InspiredDreamer said...

One of the biggest hazards for me is having to dodge red plastic cups and bags (cornhole) games up and down the sidewalk on my way home from work. That's what I get for living in Wrigleyville. :)

CiCi said...

The flip flop guy needs some hot coffee.

Anonymous said...

Is it evil of me that I saw that sign and instead of seeing a person drowning, I saw "LOL"?

Jazzbumpa said...

Yes, the drowning sign definitely says, "lol."

That is truly pathetic.


mo.stoneskin said...

I don't wear flip-flops for a bazillion reasons which include

1) they make dog crap that is hidden under leaves positively disastrous

2) they display human feet which are invariably smelly and disgusting

3) they are painful to walk in

4) they have no grip

5) they slip off unless you walk funny, which ends up making your legs ache


1 bazillion) they basically mean your feet get cached in the gross environmental debris that humans leave wherever we live and breathe

But other than that, I guess they're ok.