STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Home Sweet Home

We arrived home safely yesterday afternoon. No need for my mother to be concerned about our wills. And she's still not getting a damn thing.

After a trip of this length, I'm always quick to try to get back to "normal" - trip laundry was done last night, all bags were unpacked (though not completely put away), and mail sorted. Today is going to be about yardwork (rain and sun while we were away means our yard is beautiful blooming Spring-y jungle).

I missed you guys but I'm so glad I was able to tweet semi-regularly from Gwen, even if the time difference made it weird at times and I still missed a lot. I will try to get around to your 6WS posts from yesterday over the course of the week. And of course I have a lot of stories and photos to share.


Mr. Condescending said...

I've never been to europe :(

It's like a 7 or 8 hour flight to london right? Does it go by pretty fast?

Caty said...

Cant' wait for the stories...welcome back

CiCi said...

Why do some people have that much energy to unpack, wash clothes and get so much done as soon as they get back from a long trip?? You have the energy of two people. Maybe three.

Call Me Cate said...

TechnoBabe - nah, it's not that I have great energy. It's just that I have such great disgust for living out of my bags any longer than necessary. And a preference for clean underwear.

blognut said...

Welcome home, Cate! We've missed having you around live and in-person, but your subs did a great job covering for you, too.

C. Beth said...

Welcome home! :-D