STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Six Word Saturday

Describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. For more information, try clicking here. Feel free to explain or not explain. Add an image, a video, a song, nothing. I love seeing what everyone does each week with their entries.
Focusing on blessings, minimizing the rest

All that's necessary to participate is to post your own six words. You can post an explanation if you wish but it's certainly not required. If you play along in your blog, please add a link to the Mr. Linky. I appreciate a link back (shiny code below if you like!). Otherwise, you're welcome to leave your six words in this post as a comment.

Please be sure to link either to your main page or (preferably) directly to the 6WS post. Links to blogs that do not contain a 6WS entry will be removed (sorry, just the button in the sidebar doesn't count as participating). I do eventually make it around to all entries. Some weeks it takes longer than others but I will get there eventually. Please be patient with me!


A Woman Of No Importance said...

Your words - clever as ever, Cate! xox

jabblog said...

That's the right attitude to take! (and that's six words, too :-))

Marisa said...

Sometimes we forget how Blessed we are and cry about the "small stuff" that really doesn't amount to much in the grand scheme of things. Great six words!

Missy | Literal Mom said...

After yesterday's bit of a debacle day, I will take your advice to heart today!

Kel said...

Great idea!

"Can I have more sleep, please?"

brandi said...

~wonderful wise words this morning...brightest blessings~

Melissa B. said...

Blessings are the best, aren't they?

Jim said...

How many blessings
our dear blogging sister Cate*
has to her credit!

Happy 6WS! You're great this morning!
[*"Focusing on blessings, minimizing the rest"]

Kathy said...

Cate, now I feel bad about my SWS post because I'm whining instead of focusing on my blessings. Thanks for reminding me to stay positive! Kathy

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Amen! I am doing the same this morning!

Nancy said...

Sometimes our aggravations are really blessings in disguise. At least, that's what I think. :) Have a great weekend!

Kim said...

Love the words. Everyone should try and do just that.

silver star said...

Advance warning on my entry: I turned more and more into a Debbie downer as I typed it up, but I did get more creative with it than the others (I posted pictures with it). I need to follow your six words.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Thanks for hosting this. It's my first time and IT'S FUN!

Blessings are a good thing to focus on! Hope your weekend is grand.


Ebony said...

Oh, I love this one! So timely. Thanks, Cate. Happy 6WS. :)

Megan said...

Sounds like a good thing to focus on. =)

Happy Saturday!!

Leslie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annelie said...

I definitely hear you on this one.


Toni said...

Amen, sister friend!

Elizabeth said...

Love Blessings...check out my Six Word!

For some reason, your linky didn't show up when I visited.

Matty said...

This is a good focus to focus on.

mo.stoneskin said...

But please don't not rest, otherwise you'll get overtired and the blessings will get overlooked.

Rochelle said...

Remembering to be grateful - that's a good thing! (I need to be reminded sometimes.) xoxo

Anonymous said...

What a great 6 word phrase!

I am your newest follower!

Tina said...

awesome, awesome words......
words to live by, for sure!!
(that was six too... hahahaha)

have a great week

C. Beth said...

Yes, Cate, your 6 words are great. :)

Jazzbumpa said...

Too many blessings for {only} six words . . .


Lora said...

I love your words...need to remember them too!

Caroline said...

Love it !!!

Nancy said...

We forgive you Cate, we do. (six words.) Have a wonderful vacation. Miss you already.