STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Earlier this week, we attended a hockey game. Because we are cheap would rather spend our money on beer than parking, we ditch the car far away from the arena and walk in. We aren't alone in this, as evidenced by the large crowd we were walking with after the game finished.

Know how sometimes you're with someone in a group and you kinda get separated from each other while dodging traffic crossing the street or navigating stairs or something? And you're in the middle of a conversation and you just start talking again because you assume the same people are still with you?

There was this group of female students from a nearby university. You'd think they had been out clubbing rather than at a hockey game based on their shoes, the amount of cleavage, and their conversation about hooking up with this guy and that guy. They were what one might call "a hot mess" - the kind of girls you'd expect to see on-stage at a Pussycat Dolls show rather than at a hockey game.

As we emerged from the crosswalk, the crowd had been shuffled around. The blonde in front of me was still yapping away about the things she had done with some guy when she turns, looks at me and says "oh, you're SO not in my group!"

And in that moment, every dismissal I had faced at the hands of the popular kids in high school, every betrayal by a boyfriend for someone skankier hotter, every instance of self-doubt I had ever suffered punched me in the face.

No, I was SO not in her group.

And, as the years had taught me, thank goodness for that.


Anonymous said...

That has happened to me :o) And like you I realised I really didn't care. Great post!

Jeanie said...

The years have taught you well. Wait until you are my age and become totally invisible to those types.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Towanda! scene in Fried Green Tomatoes. She's lucky she didn't get one of your trademarked punches in the face!

C. Beth said...

Yes, thank goodness you were NOT in her group. And thank goodness that as time passes, we realize being in the popular clique is not all it's cracked up to be....

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Rabbit!

You can be in my group though!

Nancy said...

Not the same group? How about not the same species? Thank goodness. :)

Grand Pooba said...

I say just make your own group!

Brenda Susan said...

What a thing to say!! Yes, you can be thankful & proud to be in your own group who are probably much kinder!

Smellyann said...

OMGosh, I totally love you!!

studio lolo said...

hahaha!!! I love that!
As we get older and more evolved we get more comfortable in our skin.

Sounds like she's a loooong way from evolution anytime soon ;)

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Yes, thank goodness for that.

blognut said...

Isn't it amazing how much a little change in perspective can do for you?


RaD said...

Ya know, even though it was meant to be harsh, you should really take it as a compliment. I mean, she really sounds like someone you wouldn't wanna be confused with!

p-huong said...

The crowd downtown in my city (which also houses an arena for hockey and a university) is something I would never want to belong to. I remember seeing a girl with short shorts (the kind with the pockets hanging out from below) holding an open 24 pack of Bud Light. Classy.