STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I'm the only one...

Am I the only person in the world who really doesn't care about the position in which toilet paper is loaded onto the little spinny thing?

It wasn't long ago that SomeMonkey asked me "over or under" because apparently there's a right and a wrong and I think I was going to once again vote with her to prove that her husband (like all husbands) is some weirdo that should consider himself blessed that she graces him with her continued presence in his life.

Anyways, my answer? "As long as it's within reach of the toilet, I don't much care." For some people, this is equal to kicking puppies. I guess we have to have a preference. I couldn't care less if the roll of toilet paper is sitting on the floor next to the toilet instead of on the holder.* If it's somewhere nearby when I need it, I'm happy. If it's not nearby? I scream for Joe. Because somehow it's probably his fault.

I just don't think the over/under of the toilet paper is a battle worth wasting energy over. Also, I don't care if the lid is up and down. I'm not so lazy that I can't put it down myself. And I'm not so tiny that I'm going to fall in and be flushed into the sewers. It's just not worth fighting over or working myself into a tizzy about.

That energy is better spent on more important offenses - like leaving the top off the toothpaste or putting the butter not in the butter compartment of the fridge. Because that? Is just wrong.

Anything like this that you just don't care about at all?

*Unless company is coming. The bathroom downstairs always has the toilet paper on the holder where it belongs. I do pretend to have some standards.


C. Beth said...

TP is definitely over.

But I don't care about some toast crumbs in the soft margarine. (I don't "respect the butter," as I remember you putting it!)

TMC said...

I gave up using the holder thingy a long time ago. I'm with you... as long as the roll is within grabbing distance of the throne, it's all fine.

Annelie said...

Just curious. How do you roll it in the guest bathroom? Under or over? Haha, just kidding. SomeMonkey might want to know though.

I don't care about most of the household stuff, except one thing: if you took the last one of [fill in the blank], toss the empty & replace it with a new [fill in the blank] of the same variety. I have accidentally thrown coffee grounds in the emptied-&-left-bag-less trashcan one too many times.

mo.stoneskin said...

In reach is mandatory. But you know what annoys me? When it is kind of behind you so you have to contort your body to reach it. Didn't the bathroom designers test it out practically?!

Matty said...

I like it over. This is Matty over and out.

chris weigand said...

It doesn't make any difference to me, but my husband does seem to care, (Although he rarely refills the tp holder but instead leaves it for me.) But I agree that is one of the battles not worth wasting my time over.

Jeanie said...

I like your "don't sweat the small stuff" attitude. Some of this stuff does make a fun topic for conversation but nothing to get your panties in a bunch over.

blognut said...

It looks better "over" but it is more efficient "under" and I don't really keep it on the roll most of the time because my dogs eat it like it's some sort of delicacy.

holly said...

Thanks for not saying "I COULD care less:" Finally someone uses the term correctly. I personally don't really care about toilet paper - I'd just like it to come off in more than one square (unfortunately the one-square problem is the bathroom at my work).

InMyOwnZoo said...
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InMyOwnZoo said...

If you saw the news report I saw where they put petri dishes in the bathroom and showed how the toilet sends out a "mist" of vileness each time it flushes you would do as we do here- and ALWAYS put the lid down.It also helps that our cats like to swim in there and noone wants THAT.
As for the tp wars- that is so stupid it makes me want to NOT buy the brand advertising it. I am the only one in our house who can actually put the roll ON the holder,however, so I guess if I did care I would only have myself to blame. I think my ability to replace it must have something to do with having grown up girl parts.It is my only guess.