STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

First Fursday: A bit late

So technically, this is Second Fursday but that sounds pretty stupid. Rusty thought it was a good idea because he's a moron. Know what else he thinks is a good idea? Curling up in the humans' laps and purring. See what I have to put up with?

Life has been exciting around here lately. We've been allowed out on the porch quite a bit. It's like being outside only still somehow contained. I can smell the tasty grass I long to eat but I can't quite get to it.

Also, there are new sofas for me to sleep on. It was nice of the humans to buy them for me but then they filled them with all these stupid pillows. I'm a very obese fluffy kitty and there's not room for me AND the pillows. I may have to puke on a few of them, see if they can be dismissed from my domain.

Speaking of puke, Rusty and I had a barf-a-thon on Tuesday night. It was awesome. Occasionally, we work together on our evil plans. As soon as long-haired human turned off the lights and settled into her Recliner of Death, Rusty puked up some crunchies. Really, it was weak. Long-haired human took care of the mess and went back to sleep. Three hours later, I did my Exorcist impression and tossed my cookies all over the carpet runner in the hallway. Long-haired human had to get back up and try to clean up the mess. I'm such an over-acheiver though that she decided to just toss the carpet out on the porch and deal with it later.

Perhaps our humans have had enough of us because I hear they're going away again for the weekend. I'm already cooking up some great ideas for surprises I can create for their return!


Matty said...

Great way of ranting about this. Our 2 cats ( or should I say, my wife's cats ) are notorious for this. Then of course, they just have to bring you the mouse they caught and deposit it right in front of the door for you to see, and then roam around meowing ( yelling is a more accurate term ) until you acknowledge their catch.

jabblog said...

Nice to see another cat blogging. Winston blogs fairly regularly on behalf of himself and Monty. I always know when he wants to say something because he sits on the keyboard - even removes some of the keys sometimes. Bless him ;-)

blognut said...

Tonya, don't let long-haired human find out that you're working on an evil plan. It's waaaaay more effective if she is not expecting it.

Also? Puking on a carpet runner is kinda lame, Tonya. It's better to puke on carpet that can't be easily replaced. Or on a bed. There's an extra gross factor in puking on the bed. Try it.


InspiredDreamer said...

My favorite (says Mau-be the cat) is starting to hork, then running over to any articles of clothing that are on my person's floor. Or sticking my head over the side of the chair I'm in and yakking into her open gym bag. That one was awesome. :)

mo.stoneskin said...

I'll tell you what the humans would really appreciate. Sneak into their room at night and drop a live frog in their bed (or onto the Recliner of Death if the long-haired is their). Humans love being woken up by the shock of a slimy, writhing amphibian.

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

Great work... cats are so clever lol - I have six - I can so relate to all this!

Presume you have read this

I always show it to my new vet nursing classes...

Margaret said...

Lol I could see my two cats saying some of the same things! I am going to have to ask them if they would like to blog!

Grand Pooba said...

Tonya, you better count your blessings because my kitties can't even see the light of day. They are de-clawed (sorry, sore subject) and there's no way in hell they'd last one day on the streets! Just sayin.

2cats said...

Cats rule, dogs drool.

Tubby and Ozzy

Sassy Britches said...

Cut the long-haired human some slack! She finally gets to get some good rest in the Recliner of Death, and now you've got her up all the time dealing with your puke. Tsk, tsk.

Unknown said...

adding to what blognut has already suggested:

puke more quietly. it is totally more disgusting when the humans step in it unexpectedly on the way to the throne room.


p.s. i <3 tonya!

Megan said...

Tonya, question for you. WHY must you cats always puke on the carpet?! Why not on the hard surface?

Sounds like your long-haired human needs a break from all the puke! I don't blame her.

silver star said...

If the pillows can't be easily cleaned, puking on them should work out nicely for you. For my last birthday, my cat threw up right outside the bedroom door, so if I wasn't watching where I stepped, I would have stepped in it. The other day I was sitting in the floor preparing some snacks for work and my cat threw up right in front of me. I almost lost my breakfast as well.