STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Step Back

Being a bit disconnected during vacation made me realize a few things.
  • My life is SO full of noise. I need to learn to be more discerning.
  • My work environment sucks my soul. I need to respond to it differently and I need to focus on an escape plan.
  • My work duties do not feed me. I need to incorporate more creativity elsewhere.
  • My health has to be a priority. I need to make some major changes.
So now I need to figure out how to make this happen in my day-to-day life. I was in a dark bad place prior to this trip and I refuse to let myself slide back to how I felt before.

Hold me to it, folks. I need to organize and create a plan of attack. But mostly, I just need to do.

Promise, more interesting post tomorrow. It's taking a bit to find the blogging groove again.


TMC said...

I need to do too!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the same boat.
I need to re-prioritize thing around me.
Good luck!

Leah Rubin said...

YES! You must take care of yourself, above all else! Go for a walk, or do something physical-- I absolutely hate and avoid exercise, but it does serve as a great anti-depressant! (without the nasty side effects of some other remedies)

Unknown said...

i'll take a step back with you cate, and we'll hold each other to it.

you are made of awesome...don't forget it.

tomorrow is a new day.


p.s. plus it's friday which is even better:)

mo.stoneskin said...

I can relate, I understand. Realising change is needed is always the biggest part, now do it girl, I'm with you.

Drahdrah said...

You WILL do it, and you will feel great as you start to see improvement in both your mood and health... I've been struggling to get back on track myself, and each day it's still usually rough to get myself in gear, but I try not to allow myself to make excuses, and when I don't, I feel much better at the end of the day.

Tabitha Blue said...

You can do it girl! Don't worry about the blog, it'll come, but like you said, you're more important that any of it!!


SparkleFarkel said...

Some darn good, deep thoughts!

Sassy Britches said...

This is fabulous. You will feel so much better even if you do the slightest action towards one or more of these goals. But, don't be discouraged if you don't see super-duper improvement super-duper fast. That's the mistake I made recently, being all bummed because I had finally made some decisions and took action on them, but then I had to wait and see them through. Just the DOING has merit and is worth it!

Grand Pooba said...

But what happened to the lazers and armadillos?