STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blog Fodder

Last night, my pal B was having a rough time. As someone who hasn't been a regular cook in the past, she made an effort, only to be thwarted by the rest of her family acting like 12-year-olds and not eating her yummies. From there, she got all down on herself thinking the food sucked. To my untrained culinary thinking, she did it all right and then some.

I found myself telling her to blog about it. "There is no crying in blogging - just blog fodder!". I promised I'd make a blogger of her yet.

It's odd how differently I find myself looking at certain situations. When I woke up from my endoscopy, clear-brained and fine, I was disappointed - I thought I was guaranteed at least two posts by having the anesthesia! Where was my crazy?

On the day of the Eternabus tour, I found my spirits higher than they should've been knowing I could later blog about it. Stupidity at work? Jot it down and turn it into a post.

So here's to the weirdos in line at the grocery store, the man in the hat on the train, and the nurse who misreads your test results! You may make life temporarily uncomfy but at least you're good for a post!


Ryan Ashley Scott said...

It's weird how things shift so quickly when you start blogging. All of a sudden, dog vomit isn't quite so... well yeah, it's still disgusting - but at least now it's something I can complain about publicly!

TMC said...

hell yeah!

Toni said...

This was a great post! It's nice to be able to turn something that could potentially "ruin your day" into something creative later.

mo.stoneskin said...

I don't do anything or go anywhere or see anything without automatically thinking how it can be written about. It's a bit sad really!

betty said...

oh my gosh yes! It is amazing how many times I see something and say "hey, that would make a good blog entry"

sorry about your friend though; seems like her family could have made a bit of an effort to enjoy the food she prepared


jabblog said...

Oh how true - and if only people realised they might be reported (blogged) how differently they might react. Not quite Big Brother but a slant on him ;-)

soulbrush said...

blog fodder or fog blodder, both roll off my tongue.

Grand Pooba said...

Seriously, a blogger is constantly searching for material so everyone watch out!

C. Beth said...

Oh, so true! I find myself grabbing the camera before getting my kids out of uncomfortable situations....

2cats said...

Maybe I should use my blog more effectively than I do. I have been using it mainly to be creative, but maybe I need it to be about venting also.

Renata said...

Haha, I think like that too. Like, "Gee, today sucks. Wonder how many exclamation points it's going to take to type this...? And then I get distracted and forget what I was going to blog about. And possibly why I was feeling sucky, so sometimes it works.

Tracie said...

We're going out of town for a four day weekend.(Driving with the kids.) I said to Hubs "I hope it's a totally non-blogworthy trip." He, of course, didn't understand.

Rochelle said...

You are spot on Cate (as usual!). :)

Sassy Britches said...

Hip-hip Hooraaaaaaaay! Hip-hip Hooraaaay! Hip-hip Hooraaaay!

WeaselMomma said...

The bloggers mind, we are wrong on so many levels. This is so true.

Housewife Savant said...

This is sheer genius.
This is so true!
I'm much more tolerant of the ridiculousness of life since I started blogging.
If it's a bloggable moment nobody has to die.

kristi said...

I love blogging too!!

Kristan said...

"When I woke up from my endoscopy, clear-brained and fine, I was disappointed - I thought I was guaranteed at least two posts by having the anesthesia! Where was my crazy?"


Here via the BlogHer sidebar/ads, fyi. You're too funny.

Kitchen Butterfly said...

I so agree with you. The opening lines for a guest post on People, places and food cultures at Chow and Chatter was from my son eating at the table. Signs in a shop window have inspired a recipe that was blogged..I could go on and on.

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