STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Guess to Wine! Err, Win!!!

Four score and seven years ago (or, if you prefer, last August), I announced a Drinking Game. If you don't want to go back and read, it goes something like this:
I bought my husband a big glass jar in the shape of a barrel to collect our wine corks. I offered a slumped wine bottle (a melty-flat bottle for decoration or cheese board, etc) as a prize to the commenter that guessed when we would fill the jar. Then I promised a second contest for the commenter that most closely guessed the number of corks in the full jar.

We have filled the bucket! Actually, we filled it a couple of weeks ago but I'm too short to pull it down from it's storage spot on top of the cabinets so I'm just now getting around to this post.

Looking back at the comments, that means the winner is C. Beth with a guess of June 1, 2011. Congrats, Beth, and I'll be in touch to coordinate your prize.

And now, PART TWO: Guess to WINE WIN!!! You are guessing the number of corks in the jar. Joe and I counted them last night and we were both WAY off. I hope it's even half as much for for all of you to guess as it was for us. A few points: the jar is 13 inches tall, 29 inches around at the thickest point. It is full of corks, to the point of having to really squash on the lid. There are no other fillers inside. Also, it's worth noting that it took us approximately two years to fill it.

Here's how to enter:
  1. Leave a comment on this post with your guess.
  2. You must enter by Sunday, June 19th.
  3. Closest guess without going over wins.
Try not to guess the same number as someone else but if there are two guesses, I'll come up with a tie-breaker. Maybe natural vs synthetic corks. Though that means I have to recount them all again and I hate math.

Winner will be announced on Monday, June 20th. The prize will be a $25 gift certificate to Uncommon Goods, where you can purchase any number of wine-related or recycled items. I recently used a birthday gift certificate to buy a necklace made of glass from wine bottles.

That's it! Have fun guessing!

Disclaimer: Husbands of Cate not eligible to win the prize. Husbands of Cate got to drink the wine, usually WITH Cate, which is enough of a prize. Also, Husbands of Cate will likely benefit from proximity to whatever Cate makes from the corks. Tonya and Rusty not eligible because they are cats. Nobody sponsored this post in anyway, nor do they know about it. Probably they wouldn't approve even if they DID know. So shhh.


Unknown said...

My guess is 124 corks.

Congratulations to C. Beth on your guess!

Kathy said...

How exciting that the jar is finally full! Congrats to C.Beth.

I'm going to guess 147 corks!

C. Beth said...

I'm so excited!

I want to spread the love, so Don't enter me in the second contest, but just for kicks I'm going to guess 193.

Eternal Lizdom said...

144 corks

Religionbites said...

I vote 204 corks. -- patti :)

Kimmy said...

Congrats to C. Beth!!

I will quess 145 corks! :O)

Tami said...

Based on the size of the jar, the number of visible corks, days in a year.... and then make a completely random guess, I'll say 213.

TMC said...


Beth said...

157 corks is my guess! :)

Stacey said...

236 is my guess!!

Unknown said...

Hi! I am a new follower! Your blog looks like so much fun! I am going to guess 245.

Whitney said...

I thought about trying to do the math, but gave up the idea as soon as I thought of it...

Anonymous said...

i'll guess 160. i love Uncommon Goods so thanks much for the chance to win.

Susan in SC said...

my guess is 104

Unknown said...

Low you say? My second guess is 364 corks.

You sure do like wine don't you. ;)

Tales of Cheerios and Sleepless Nights said...

Going to have to guess 347.

Call Me Cate said...

@CrystalDuff guesses 599.

Nikki Brown said...

187 corks.
Final answer...wait...

Gowthami Nandigala said...

I know I am bad at guessing!

Hmmm still, I guess 166(rough)

Jim said...

My guess is 339.

However many it is that is a lot of wine for you two to be drinking! Either you are in good health if it's healty for you or you are soon to lose a liver if it isn't healthy!

Josie Two Shoes said...

My totally random guess is 325. This is a fun game and I'm curious to see who guesses best! :-)

Kasi said...

My guess is 201 corks.

I Am Not Superwoman said...

Thats a lot of wine! We used to be wine drinkers and I would make things out of the wine bottles and corks. I guess 177.

Amanda said...

Someone already guessed within 2 of what my original guess was going to I'm going to say 293. My original was going to be 362...just for the record. ;)

Carmen said...

I'm a new reader, so lets' say 117.

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