STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, June 25, 2010

How I Spent Mental Health Day

Since the universe decided to cooperate, I was able to take my Mental Heath Day (MHD) on Wednesday. And boy did I ever need it.

When I went online that morning, I mentioned to SomeMonkey that I had slept in (which was awesome) but now I needed to get to work because I had a lot to accomplish on my MHD.

The short version of the conversation is that she yelled at me for doing it wrong. "No lists on MHD!!!"

No, the problem isn't that I was doing it wrong, it's that she was understanding it wrong. MHD for me is very rarely about chilling and doing nothing. It's about catching up on things I haven't had time for, which in turn allows me to stop fretting. AKA, I accomplish things that were piling up, restoring a bit of mental health.

I colored my hair. Maybe it was paranoia but I was sensing this silvery thing going on near my temples (the ones on my head, not the ones in the backyard with the shrine to Alan Rickman). $5.99 and 20 minutes later, no more worrying about silvery hairs!

I did a lot of class assignments. I'm a week ahead of due dates for class #1 and made nice progress on class #2.

I conducted a feasibility study to assess whether or not I can complete the classwork necessary to finish my marketing certificate by the end of the year, while working full-time. The answer is yes - but it's going to take a whole lot of time and some support from the husband. Which is why I called it a feasibility study and wrote up my proposal as such - it's the perfect way to get buy-in from His Supreme Professional Geekiness.

I crossed a few other things off my list as well. What I refused to do was any kind of housework (other than cleaning up a pile of Tonya-puke that she had left at the bottom of the stairs and doing a few dishes). I also did not nap, lounge in front of the tv, or really do much leisure activity.

Still, it was a successful Mental Health Day. I feel more calm now about the things I need to do and my ability to complete them all. Thank you, universe, for cooperating.


Anonymous said...

My MHD are the same. It's about me getting stuff done so that I can relax and enjoy the good stuff. If I could, I would schedule my bi-weekly flex day on a Wednesday so that I'd get more done rather than turning my weekend into a long weekend. I end up just putting everything off if I have a 3-day weekend. - G

Unknown said...

I love MHD when I have the sick time to take one. I find it more soothing to get the things that are piling up done than just sit around on my tush all day chilling. It gets those monkeys off your back so you can enjoy life. I am glad that you were able to get so much done, and hopefully will have a much more relaxing weekend for it as well.

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

I need one of those MHD's!!

C. Beth said...

I know what you mean; sometimes I have to do some work in order to relax without the distraction of stuff that needs to be done. Your feasibility study sounds exciting too!

Jeanie said...

I'm glad you got done what you needed to get done for you. Good job on getting so ahead in your school work.

Jeanie said...
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Toriz said...

Well, at least it was successful!

studio lolo said...

I think no matter how you use your MHD, what really matters is you're taking time for yourself.