STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday Confession: Happy Mother's Day

I have a confession... I'm not that into Mother's Day. I, myself, am not a mother (that should be abundantly clear from posts earlier this week). My relationship with my own mother is cautious at best.

Instead, I'm going to give a shout out and send my love to all the fantastic mothers out there. I've met so many of you since I started blogging last Fall. And a special thought to anyone who is experiencing a Mother's Day without their beloved mothers. Or their precious children.

So many of you seriously rock. You give me hope that I could possibly do the "mother" thing some day.

In the meantime, here's wishing you a "surprise" breakfast of burnt toast and coffee with grounds floating on the top, wilted flowers and hand-drawn cards featuring flowers and disproportionate representations of your family. Because, really, I think that's sorta what it's all about! And sorry but I decided the best gift from me would be to not make you a Mother's Day card - because it seemed kinda rude to be punching anyone in the face today. Except maybe SisterFriend because it seems she wants a fight.

Me, I'm "celebrating" by being out of town (so expect late responses). Except the place we're going says "Bring Mom to undisclosed location for free admission on Mother's Day. Adult or youth ticket purchase required." My thinking about that went something like this:
Damn, it's gonna be busy there on Sunday.

Wait, how do you prove you're a mom? I want to get in free!

I guess we could just say we left the kid at home. I bet a lot of people do that!

Huh, isn't that completely bizarre for people to celebrate Mother's Day or Father's Day by escaping from their kids? Though probably not an uncommon desire.

Think I'll just do the right thing and pay for my admission.


Hit 40 said...

LMAO!!! Mom is not left alone of Mothers Day. Trust me! The kids are all with mom when they go out to eat.

Now fathers day.... the men like to go hide at the golf course. On fathers day, many of the men take alone time. Mothers day... is definitely not alone time.

Oh.. little grasshopper you have so much to learn


Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Haha - there are probably mother's who want to get away from their kids today... my mom might have been one of them (I remember screaming and a door slamming and thinking it was a special mother's day version of hide & seek. JK).

Thanks for the toast and coffee. Sending some undercooked pancakes and orange juice w/ seeds your way (from Tonya and Rusty, of course).

Melissa B. said...

I'm celebrating by cleaning the screen porch, trimming plants that are seriously about to turn into mammoth tangles of growth because of recent heavy rains, and, of course, hosting my weekly Silly Sunday Sweepstakes. Please stop by, if you have a chance!

AmyK. said...

I'm with my kids all day too...and glad about it! ITA with Hit 40...on Father's Day they expect alone time, good call. ;-)

Happy Mom's Day to all...whatever you do, be happy (and hopefully it will involve chocolate).

Call Me Cate said...

Hit 40 - Mom left alone on Mother's Day sounded like a good idea to me!

RAS - Mmm, love the breakfast from the kitties. Traded it for a sausage egg and cheese biscuit at McDs and an iced mocha.

Melissa - I was happy to arrive home and find we still HAVE a screened porch and a garden. I hate storms when I'm out of town!

Amy K - excellent call on the chocolate. I think it's illegal for Mother's Day to not include some (unless you don't like chocolate, then you're just a weirdo).

Beth said...

I got the BEST mother's day gift - my boys ran with me this morning. They are so awesome.

I'm sorry your relationship with your mother isn't great. I'll share my mother if you want. She is good to sooooo many people!

Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

i think most people would be too tactful to ask where your kid is.

most people.

and no coffee grounds for me...since the boyfriend's mom lives with him (and he's schmoozing me for sexual favours, i think) he cooked a big breakfast for all. nummy.

going to pick up the 3 blonde kidlets from their dad now and we'll have a huge dinner for the whole fan-damily. tantrums included, but ignored in honour of mothers day.


p.s. i know you would be an awesome mom. look @ how well adjusted your cats are.

p.p.s. love ya:)

SF said...

You could totally do the mother thing. And I will totally take you in a fight, I have 6 extra lbs. of ice cream weight on me.

Yeah um let's just say that you aren't missing out on anything by not being a mom. Today was laundry, dishes, dinner, etc. = no different than any other damn day of the year. Whoopie.

The Wife O Riley said...

Anytime you need kids to get in free somewhere, you just let me know. I can pack mine up fast and I think the little one will still fit in a FedEx box.

Call Me Cate said...

Beth - Sounds like a great morning. I'm totally going to apply for a new mama I think. Mine's broken or something.

Andy - your day sounds great. Just what Mother's Day should be probably. And I'm not sure my cats are really that well-adjusted. Rusty keeps pooing in the bathtub. That can't be a good sign.

SF - Still trying to get a fight out me, huh? Hope Baby Z made some extra special cute faces for you today.

Wife O Riley - we once went to Chuck E Cheese because we wanted the pizza. But then we didn't dare go in without kids because we thought it would be too weird. Someone should totally rent kids for those occasions.