STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Six Word Saturday #401

Great Friday followed by lousy evening

Remember Tonya-cat? Not doing so great. :( 
Also, just published this early. Oops. I'm not going to unpublish it at this point. Consider it an offset to the times I post late.

Want to play along? All that's necessary to participate is to describe your life (or something) in a phrase using just six words. For more information, try clicking here. Feel free to explain or not explain. Add an image, a video, a song, nothing. I love seeing what everyone does with their entries.

Each week (probably on Sunday or Monday), I use to select a bunch of entries to visit.  Or I visit everyone. Or even numbered entries. Or odd numbered entries. Or multiples of three. Depends on what's going on that week.  In addition, please visit the person ahead of you on the list (or visit everyone if you like!). That way everyone receives at least one visit!

If you play along in your blog, please add a link to the Mr. Linky. I appreciate a link back. Otherwise, you're welcome to leave your six words in this post as a comment.

Please be sure to link either to your main page or (preferably) directly to the 6WS post. Links to blogs that do not contain a 6WS entry will be removed (sorry, just the button in the sidebar doesn't count as participating).


Debbie at Travel with Intent said...

Well I hope it's followed by a relaxing Saturday!

BeckyB said...

That's how my whole week has been . . great moments followed by less good, and one of my less good moments involves a cat too :-( hope your weekend is better x

Victoria Zigler said...

Sorry Tanya's not doing well.

P.S. If replying, please send eMail replies to as, despite my eMail address being properly enabled, I still appear as a "no-reply" blogger for some reason (possibly due to me having a gMail account rather than the old Blogger account, but I'm not sure).

Kathe W. said...

Try to have a good day and hope your cat feels better!

Suzy said...

I hope you are having a relaxing weekend.

pilch92 said...

I am sorry your kitty is not doing well, I will pray for her. said...

Hey, Cate,

This is my first visit to your blog and I love it. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I'm Ann, from A Nice Place In The

I found your Kathe's blog, "It's A Snap!" and I'm glad I did, you're hilarious.

Anyway, it's nice meeting you, and I'll be back... said...

Sorry about the typo, I try to type faster than I can. I meant I found your blog on Kathe's blog. Not, "I found your Kathe's blog."

I'm not sure anyone even noticed, but I hate it when I leave a word out, so I write back, that way, everyone will be sure to read my mistake. :)

Oh, never-mind. :))

LA Nickers said...

Thanks for the prompt. I used my six-word submission as a subtitle for a new poem at Nickers and Ink.
Funk Mail -Remember when receiving mail was fun?