STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Cards

I don't send a lot of Christmas cards. Because, like a lot of things Christmas-related, they've turned from a warm fuzzy thing into general suck and obligation. Rather than sincerely expressing an interest in wishing those near and far a wonderful holiday and awesome next year, they're more about "my family did ALL these amazing things!" or "my life totally sucks, wah wah, feel bad for enjoying your good life" or "look how cute my kids are!".

Okay, a bit of a generalization but look who owns this here blog. Uh huh. Me. So I can generalize if I want when it suits my purposes.

Anyways, I don't send a lot of cards. I try to send some email greetings. Or I deliberately drop individual notes on Facebook walls throughout the month. But cards only go in the mail to family, old people, people without computers (some overlap there for sure), and a very few select friends. In other words, if you get a card in the mail from me? You're one of a lucky dozen. And it totally means you owe me money and this is a gentle reminder something.

And now, my annual holiday card delivered to you via blog. It's about saving the planet. Or laziness. Or not having your address.

So from my home to yours...

Doesn't get much more sincere than that!

P.S. Despite my bah-humbugness regarding sending cards, I do actually really love to receive them. Most of them. The ones from people who are sincere. And I know who you are.

P.P.S. So as not to be grinchy, the pretty snowflakes are from here.


Unknown said...

i love your cards.

why aren't you selling them on etsy yet?

i would buy them...because almost everyone i know deserves a face punch now and then;)


trmink said...

Never before has the spirit of the holiday season been captured with such elegance. I am truly moved.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

I got the house decorated...the cards didn't get out but I'm ok with that. We all have blessings, each and every of mine is blogging and visiting with you...May your Christmas be Merry and your New Year bright!

C. Beth said...

Yay, the annual Cate-punch card! :)

I didn't do cards this year, not even VIRTUAL ones. Not being grinchy, just didn't get to it!

Toriz said...

It's always nice to send and recieve cards. I never add letters bragging about or moaning about my year in with the cards though. I keep those seporate. I mean, who wants a warm, fuzzy, "here's a Christmas card someone thought to send me," feeling, only to then read that I'm ill, or my pet died, or whatever? I definately wouldn't want that!