STARTING 4/8/17: Six Word Saturday is now being hosted by the lovely Debbie at Travel With Intent.

Monday, November 01, 2010

NaBloPoMo of Gratitude

Tis November. In years past, I may have been tempted to join in the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) madness. Alas, this year finds me neck-deep in classwork and uninspired to write fiction.

Instead, in solidarity with the every-day-writers, I thought I'd commit to NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). But to avoid commitment of another type (the kind that involves men in white jackets), I needed a way to post every day without losing that last half a shred of sanity. That's when I received an email from Cheryl at The B'z House that Love Built. She's running a "2010 I'm thankful for..." challenge. Perfect!

Every day this month, I will be posting something I'm thankful for - some will no doubt be longer than others. Some days will include actual posts that relate to the gratitude and some days it might be a challenge just to get out a sentence. But my emotions have been a bit up and down recently and my attitude could definitely benefit from focusing on some warm fuzzies.

So best of luck to my friends participating in NaNoWriMo. Same to my pals doing NaBloPoMo. And my hat is off to those of you crazy dedicated enough to do both.

I am thankful for... cozy scarves that protect my neck from the cold.

P.S. I don't actually wear hats but it's the thought that counts, right?


Unknown said...

I love this idea! Actually I have planned something similar for Sunday's this month...Positive Thinking Sunday. Yay for gratitude and positive attitudes!

Juniper said...

I didn't even have the mental energy for 6WS this week, I don't think I could manage a novel ;-) but my brain usually churns up something for a post every day.


21 Wits said...

Ah yes one must be thankful for anything on our head and feet to keep the cold from leaking inside during those horrible winter days within a frozen tundra, for those of us who fight the cold day after

Joanie said...

I've joined NaBloPoMo too! This is my first time doing so.

Jeanie said...

Cozy scarves are a good thing to be thankful for. As you said, we can all definitely benefit from focusing on warm fuzzies.

Diane said...

I'm needing a new scarf. It's gotten real cold here! :O)

Toriz said...

That's a good way around it. And, it's always nice to take the time to think about what you're thankful for! :)

Yeah, it's the thought that counts, lol!

C. Beth said...

You could say, "My scarf is off to you" instead of "My hat is off to you." No one would know what you were talking about though.